On May 15, James Wandzilak and Carole Cole-Wandzilak purchased a four bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home at 326 Blazing Star, Windsor from Eugene Bruington for $1,288,000.
On May 15, Young J A. and G. S. F. (trustee) sold their two bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home at 473 Woodley Place, Santa Rosa to Constantini 1995 (revocable living trust) for $913,000.
The four bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home at 326 Blazing Star Court, Windsor was sold on May 15 by Eugene Bruington for $1,288,000. The buyers were James Wandzilak and Carole Cole-Wandzilak.
On May 15, Young J A. and G. S. F. (trustee) sold their two bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home at 473 Woodley, Santa Rosa to Constantini 1995 (revocable living trust) for $913,000.
The three bedroom, two bathroom home at 346 Miramonte Place, Santa Rosa was sold on April 27 by Wallace Dolores R. (trust) for $920,000. The buyer was Linda J English.
The three bedroom, two bathroom home at 919 Amelia, Windsor was sold on March 29 by Moore M. and M. (trust) for $1,001,000. The buyer was Paul Family Trust.
On March 26, Realty X Change Corp. purchased a three bedroom, two bathroom home at 417 Duncan, Windsor from Quality Loan Service Corp. and Kevin C and Ragen Mandell for $451,000.
The four bedroom, two bathroom home at 1125 Rachael Lane, Windsor was sold on March 26 by Huber James E. (living trust) for $1,120,000. The buyers were C. D. 1998 Eari (trust) and Jill B Earl.