
Wine Country Times

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Huffman Bill to Support Trinity Economy, Recreation Passes Natural Resources Committee

Huffman press photo

Congressman Jared Huffman | Official U.S. House headshot

Congressman Jared Huffman | Official U.S. House headshot

Washington, D.C. – On June 21, Rep. Jared Huffman’s (D-San Rafael) legislation H.R. 3324 passed out of the House Natural Resources Committee. The legislation would extend the authority of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest to collect and retain marina fees to enhance recreation and improve access at the Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area. 

Click here to view Rep. Huffman’s remarks on this bill at the Natural Resources Committee markup. 

“This extension by six years of the fee retention authority of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest will be a big boost for the economy there. 3.5 million people visit this area for fishing, camping, swimming, paddling, boating, backpacking, all sorts of outdoor activities and these funds are vitally needed to sustain that part of our economy,” Rep. Huffman said during the markup.

Next, the legislation will head to the House Floor for a final vote before going to the Senate.

The authority to collect and retain fees is critical for the Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area, which manages 212,000 acres, including 48,480 lake surface areas and 12 highly developed commercial marinas. Marina fees are invested in recreation enhancement projects such as boat ramp improvements, boating and water safety public service announcements, improved access to the lakes for persons with disabilities, floating restrooms, and interpretive and educational programs. The bill extends the fee retention authority to Fiscal Year 2029.

Rep. Huffman has also worked with Rep. LaMalfa to include language in appropriations bills to extend the fee retention authority after it previously expired.

Original source can be found here